Monday, September 16, 2013

Ball Bounce: First CA Project

Untitled from Katelyn Hagen on Vimeo.

Quadruped Walk

khagen rework quad from Katelyn Hagen on Vimeo.

Exaggerated Quadruped Walk

khagen finalexaggerated from Katelyn Hagen on Vimeo.

Drawing 2 Projects

Some of the projects from my Drawing 2 class last year

Invented Domicile of a fictional character, I did Bowser 

Monster in the bedroom project

Trojan Horse Project, Pens vs. Pencils

3D Design Project

This was my 3D project from freshman year. The story is when Arturo was a young boy he lived on a farm. He was bullied in school and never felt much love except from his pet goats on the farm. One day he decided to run away with his pets into the mountains of Argentina and raise his goats. He dedicated his life to his pets and soon began to take on the characteristics of the goats. He lives in the barn that I built as part of the project also. 
Arturo and his goat were part of the Best of Ringling show last year :)

Character Design Sheet

This is my character design sheet for my Traditional Animation 2 class. In my animation he is going to take on some rain puddles.

Storytelling Images

One of my storytelling images I did for my Concept Development class